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Become the Hero of your Journey

Covid-19 changed the world!

Chat GPT changed the world!

In 650 words or less, how will you change the world . . . ?


SAT and ACT scores are becoming optional. Now more than ever, the burden of proof rests on how well you showcase yourself in your essay: your goals and talents, your dreams and aspirations.


"How will my essay add that winning touch to my college application?"

"How do I make my essay unique?"

"How will my essay stand out from the pile of hundreds?"

Well, it must be serendipity - you've come to the right place at the right time. We promise you're going to be in the best hands - Dr. Sood has helped students write successful college essays and applications for more than 25 years. 

From methodology to structure, content, style, tone, syntax & grammar, you'll get all the help you need to discover your "Memorable Me" and take your college essay to the next level.

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